

I don't know that we have an apocalypse on our hands but the weather outside is surely frightful. The wind last night was more fierce than anything we have ever tried to sleep through. I resisted seven separate urges to go check on the animals. The barn where everyone is spending their winter sits behind a big hay field so as last night's internal argument went they'd be blocked from most of the wind. We, however, sit atop the hayfield. It took several layers of long underwear, the insulated Dickies jumpsuit, my grandmother's bomber hat and a wool scarf wrapped around my nose, chin and mouth to get me to brave morning chores.

This morning, aside from the arctic wind, it sleeted, snowed, and rained. This must be at least close to the worst of what a Vermont winter can throw at us. Right?

I came home and rewarded myself with an un-modest handful of Luke and Louisa's caramels. Last night a box of their caramels and cheese greeted me in the milk barn when I went in to feed the sheep. I'm doing my mediocre best to save some for my family as we head to the Vineyard tomorrow for four days of Christmas. If you are in need of any last minute gifts I couldn't more highly recommend the goat's milk caramel from Big Picture Farm. I wrote Louisa just this morning that my Christmas wish would be to swim in a vat of their caramel. For a list of places that sell the caramels visit here.

I wish everyone a merry christmas weekend of family and sweets and all manners of food.


  1. Dear Kate - have also a "heart-warm-up" happy and peaceful christmasday....
    Greetings from Germany

  2. You're so brave for venturing out in this cold weather!


    I hope you have a very Merry Christmas : )

  3. I never knew goat milk caramels existed before now...

    Now I feel like my life will not be complete if I never get to try some.

    Happy Christmas

  4. So funny! I bought a box of those for some friends this Christmas. And of course I tried a couple. They were fantastic!


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