
to market to market

we feel are impenetrably cool in elizabeth's 1977 vw bus. its orange. its an original engine. it sounds and smells more like a boat than a car. it leaks from the roof, so cloudy days are risky. it is by far the hottest market vehicle in north carolina. she's planning on giving it to her twins when they turn 16. a badass sweet 16 present. though, i surely resent them for it.

we take liesel -as the vdub was christened- to market every saturday evening in saxapahaw. which is what we did last saturday night and the one before that, and the one before that. we don't have typical saturday evenings like we used to. so i thought i'd photog little bits of it as i want to show you all, that we do see other people and we do venture off the farm....at least once a week.

1. road to the market. running late. we always are late to market. running late in liesel is not a prudent way to approach a saturday night.
2. nick gesticulating on the way to market.
3. blurry pastoral pastures.
4. snap peas. the first ones that came out this week. one child at market brought nick a quarter and bought 5, one out of each pint.
5. i'm trying to drink less beer at market. good on me.
6. new potatoes. i'll be making potato salad for tash & scotty's bbq tomorrow with these beauties.


  1. that has been my dream van for a long time... i want to convert one to run on vegetable oil. maybe when we move out of the city. one day!

  2. jiggity - jig

    ...to buy a fat pig


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