

A couple of things about Friday.

I can eat an impressive amount of cake for breakfast.

I have rearranged our two room house obsessively for the last week in very early preparation for our son.

The time is nigh for us to grow up and buy a bed frame.

Nick is a horrible audience for when one wants to play dress up. He barely looks up from his book, but he says I look beautiful in everything.

In the last 24 hours I have stepped my bare feet into cat pee and puppy vomit.

We have a wonderful amount of eggs coming in from our spring-looking chickens...and nobody to sell to.


  1. Find a baker and trade. Make use of your excess eggs and impressive cake eating skills!

  2. i would totally buy your eggs if i were in vt! sounds like a good day all around...

  3. Kate, Have I told you recently how I love your writing and your mind?

    Grace, style, and pith -- a too-uncommon combination in essays.

    Sending love,


  4. Great photos Kate-a much celebration of lavishing kisses from the sun!

  5. I'll buy those eggs! Also, I have stepped in baby vomit AND dog poo this week. I feel you.

  6. wish i could buy your eggs too ! hope we can see the babies room when its all done !

  7. Take care of you, Kate.
    My hens layed their second egg for this year...yeah, spring is coming.
    Greetings to Vermont

  8. As an addicted 'google searcher', I did just that (cause I'm curious about things) and asked about what to do with an abundance of fresh eggs. Here's a link with an interesting way to preserve them. It just might work!


  9. Oh, how I wish we could buy eggs from you. It seems like it shouldn't be so difficult in the Denver area to buy fresh eggs, but it is. The sunlight pouring in in these photos is delicious.

  10. I believe your egg lovers will come! They will!

    May you have less yuck this week!!


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